The film and the book explain the life of one adolescent but there are a lot of differences between one and another. In the film the change of the girl is enormous and very impactant, there are a lot of things of her life that turn 180 degrees. She was a good girl and a good student and only for popularity starts a big changes in her form of life, wear, way of think, friends... At the end of the film if you compare the girl with the one of the start you couldn't think that's the same person. Another difference with the book is that in thirteen the secundary characters are more integred in the history and you see their evolution behind the girl too. The character of Adrian is more repetitive and uninteresting because he explains every time the same and if its true that in his life are some changes and happen a lot of things the way of explain it is very different of the film.
For me the film was more interesting for the impact that if produce to you.
Once upon a time there was a princess who wanted to be the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. She wanted everyone to turn when she walked in the streets and get married with a very rich and beauty prince. All her life she wanted beauty, she wore the best dresses, the best haircut, had extravagant complements, make-up... but there was one thing that she couldn't change: her body and her face. One day listened that one witch had arrived in the nearest town. She rode her fastest horse and knocked on the door od the witch. the princess kneeled down in front of the witch asking for a magic drink of beuty, but the witch saied that she didn't have any one of beauty and went inside the house. The princess, angry, went to her father, the king, and told him that there was a witch in the town and they had to kill her. When soldiers entered to house of the witch, she run away, and the princess caught and drunk one potion with the inscription. "beauty". Two months later the witch was walking near the castle of the princess and one rat bit her foot. She caught it and, looking into the eyes of the rat and smiling, said: - Hello princess, I think that now you know that I think that the rats are very beautiful...
In summer I only practise one sport, sailing. I started to practise it when I had seven years in Sant Pere Pescador. First we use a little boats call Optimist. I sailed with an optimist until the twelve years, and at the end I really hate them! Is very boring to be three hours alone with a small boat. At therteen years old I start the 420 lessons. The 420 is a more big boat and needs two persons to sail, the boss, who drive the helm and the big sail, and the crewman, who control the little sail and the balance of the boat. In the 420 I'm the crewman. I love it. Maybe some people thinks that be the crewman is easy, in apparence they only move the little sail when the boat turns and hung and relax when the wind is very high. That's wrong, you have to be very concentrated when are hung, it's very difficult to be with the legs joined, on tiptoe and with the body stretched in the edge of the boat. At the end I put a photo of these position. The crewman works to support the boat the most plane with the water possible. You have to have a good comunication with your boss and try to do it sailing at the more possible speed.
Hello, i'm Elvira and in this oral presentation i'm going to speak about Expoterraria.
In the powerpoint you can see photos that i took of the animals of this year edition.
Expoterraria is a like a market of buy-sell reptiles, amphibians and arthropods.
It's celebrated every year in Barcelona.
I knowed about this three years ago, when i started to be interested in reptiles, in a forum.
I saw it and I commented about it to my parents and asked if I could go and they thought that it could be interesting and we went to my first Expoterraria.
Now I'm still going but for my parents it now isn't still interesting... and, for example, this year I went with a friend.
I like very much the hobby of reptiles and for me Expoterraria is a good oportunity to see good animals or strange ones and meet some people that i'm friends with and who are in the hobby too.
I have some friends that I know, in a forum that I'm member, of which i meet every edition.
I like it because I don't have many people with i can speak about it.
Expoterraria is celebrated in a big space and inside are a lot of tables.
These are rented by breeders or somebody who sells products for these animals. They put on them the animals or the products and you can go and buy all do you want.
There are breeders from a lot of countries, the furthest from Hungry.
There you can find reptiles (lizards, geckos, turtles, chamaleons and snakes), arthropods, amphibians and fishes.
The most common are snakes, lizards, geckos and frogs and for me the most interesting are snakes, my favourite reptiles.
You can find different kind of snakes and for all species different genethic mutations of colour and pattern, and sometimes more strange ones, like scale-less snakes.
This hobby isn't very extended in Spain, and this market isn't very big (like 200 tables) but in Germany there are one, the most important in Europe, that's ten times bigger, or more. To this one go breeders of EEUU, the best ones of the world.
This one, called Hamm, is one of my dreams and I think that in a few years I can visit it because every edition are people from here who go with car or bus.
Thank you for your attention i hope that you like it. If anyone have any question I try to answer it.
Minina and Minino are the cats of one friend. Minina is black and white and Minino is all black with the fur a little big long. Minino is very loving and always is wanting you to stroke him. First it can be funny but with the passing of time it's very stressing because you can't be on the sofa without the cat sleeping on you... and if you don't stroke it, he starts to walk around and on you to catch your attention. Minina is another world. she is very maniatic. She doesn't like a lot that you stroke her, she doesn't like that you carry her, she doesn't like to eat the cream for the fur balls... and if you ever forget to change the sand of her cage she can't use it... and you have to prepare the bleach to clean the house! The two cats always want to go out and in the winter they can't, for the cold, and you always are paying attention when you have to go out of the house, so they do not escape!
Hello teacher, my name is Elvira Fina.
I don't know what i have to say in this e-mail but if it is a presentation, i try to explain to you some things about me.
I'm 16 years old and i'm doing the scientific batxillerat. In the future i will go to the university to study something like physics, criminology, genethics... Lately i'm thinking a lot about criminology, but i have to think about it, i like it a lot but the idea of be teacher in a highschool likes me too.
I have a few "hobbies" that i love.
The first one is the snakes. I love the world of this strange animals and i think that they are very interesting, so much that the same people thinks. The 25th of this month i'm going to a exposition of buy-sell (i don't know if it has a special name) about reptiles. It's one of my obligatory appointments of the year.
Another one, very important for me, is the photography. I always go with a little digital camera in my bag and i have got a reflex cam. That's my way of relaxing.
Equally i practice sailing, snowboard and like dogs too.
(one another thing is that i love eat.... yes, i'm all the time eating... ask anybody who knows me!)
I don't like english so much because i don't like any language class of school. One of the problems that i have with english is that a lot of times i have to speak in class or read... and i don't like it. I hate it. The oral presentations are, for me, the worst thing in the english class, sometimes i don't do them.
Well, i go to sleep now because my clock sounds with a horrible sound at 6.40... well, i like to get up early, when the sky is still dark, i think that's because i remember the days when i go to snow.
I want to speak about the book "El hipnotista" of Lars Kepler. I read it a few months ago and I like it a lot. The book is about one psycologyst that in the past hypnotizes mental ill people and for one thing that first they don't tell us he stopped it. But the problems started when he had to hypnotize a man who had kill a family with a lot of violence. At this point all start to go bad and the main character has to have a lot of things to save him, his family and remember a dark past. The book is writing with a good style and when you start it you have to finish it because all time the things deveolpe very fast and you discover new things about the characters and specially of the past of the main one. In conclusion, it's a good novel and I recommend it to all people that are interested in mystery and crime books.
Argos is the dog of one friend (the same as Minino and Minina). My friend had to go at Lloret for an actuationand the dog was alone in his house, and nobody could look after the dog, and I said that I could. He arrived to my house on Friday at night and today (Monday) he will leave. It has been on a big terrace with the little dog-house from a dog that I had. Argos is very young (about 1 year) and very big, and it's very nervous, always is wanting to run and play. To tired it a little I had to go with bike more than 30 minutes. The first night it barked a little, and every time that I left him alone he barked. But the last days he didn't bark any time. Tonight his owner will collect him. one curiosity is his name. Argos was a mithological figure that had a lot of eyes and when one part slept the another was watching and it was a very good guardian. I enjoyed having Argos to look after and if I can, I'll do it another time.
This September one friend, his dog and I went to Sant Onofre, the hermitage that you can see up in the mountain of Palau-Savardera. We left Castelló in the morning with a lot of water and a good lunch. We went to Palau with car and there we started to walk. With one hour or one hour and a half we are in the hermitage. The weather were very sunny and when the wind didn't touch you had very hot. When we arrived at the hermitage after of a big walking along a very pendant way were exhausted and we sat to watch the Empordà and eat something. When we were better started to walk another time and went to a picnic zone at one hour of the hermitage and there we ate a good dinner, tortellinis with tomato, cheese, frankfurt, egg and tuna. We had a relaxing time on the grass and we returned to the hermitage for went down. Finally we were very tired but it was a good experience and a wonder walk.
The last week I was in the Medieval market of Peratallada. I left Castelló at 10 a.m. and arrived in Peratallada at 11 a.m. There were two friends who were working with the teathre company and I and another common friend went with them all day. I was all day taking photos, because I like it so much. With only one day I took 300 photos of the activities and atmosphere. All about the members of the teather company (called Excalibur). I never saw them fighting and I liked it a lot, I think that they do it very well. They started with atmosphere of two soldiers going with one thief, at midday they did fights, went to eat, did another fights, and at the afternoon they were making things for the night, a fire activity. I like the fire a lot ans I engoyed it a lot too. Finally we went to eat and left Peratallada.