Last February I went with some people of Castelló to Andorra for a weekend. We left Castelló at 6.00h and were, some of us sleeping, in the bus 4 hours. The most important think to sleep is choose a good place... and it’s the corridor. Yes, with a good cushion and a jacket over you… no more pain in your neck, try it!
When we arrived we went, almost running, to the station to start surfing. We were a lot of friends: Núria, Oliver, Maria, Sandra, Lydia… and we were prepared for an intense snow weekend. We still skiing all day and in the afternoon we went to Canillo, the town where we stay and made a volley match with some boys and girls of there. After the dinner we went to Andorra city to make some shopping. I bought a lime helmet… now I’m an apple!!
We returned to the hostel and make fun with the anecdotes of the day in our six bed room. Yes, Andorra is the only place where I have seen three bed litters, amazing, but maybe who sleeps over when he wake up can hit with the roof… but… it isn’t important when you are in Andorra.
The next day we skied more than the before and made the most we could.
We were in Andorra… and we were happy… I miss it!! Please, back!!
That new was only in this zone, but for me is a very important notice because all of work of a 10 people group is now realized. We were one year in the AEiG Xiprers al Vent forming us in the scout role, we were months and months administrating the opening and make us know.
It's a different way to educate boys and girls in the leisure with a particulat method, the scout method based in the pedagogy of the project. The boys and girls have to choose a project an do it throught the year. The project can be a diary, extra jobs for a travel, earn money for an ONG... At the same time we intend to instill some values like imagination, fellowship, responsibility...
We are very excited because the people answered very well and we are working now with the children. We know that it's difficult in the start but we are going to work hard to bring it out and improve the society, because the children are the future.
We are very greatful to the wonderful parents we have and all the media that has given us to know more far of the mouth and mouth.
Now the public spanish tv hasn't ads. I think that the time of publicity has to be regulated but not eliminated. It's true that the last years the minutes (maybe hours!) of publicity was excessive but it doesn't means that needs to be suppressed.
The publicity is a good way to earn money for the programs and for the companies is the most important source of consumers.
And think about it... imagine that you haven't seen a film like The lord of the rings, more than two and a half hour of a very interesting film... so interesting that you can't stop to see it to don't miss anything... and suddenly you have to call any person, are hungry or thirsty... or you have to go to the WC! You can't!!
I think that a little bit of publicity isn't bad because all of us have to have a moment to get out the coach.
And.. what the hell.. there are some publicity that's great, I like some ads and they are make because the people have to see it.
Sure you have heard about the bloody end of Gaddafi. Thats for the supressed stress of the rebels who when saw him hided in a tube the only they wanted to do was kill him.
The two bands commited war crimes but maybe for the people who was in Lybia the situation required it. They wanted to get out of the Gaddafis autocracy because the population couldn't resist it.
Maybe it wasn't the best end for the dictator but... if he still alive... what is going to happen? A judgment? Maybe the rebels, who suffered all the Gaddafi's strong, thinks that wasn't enought.
My dreams? Well, now a short-term dream for me is pass the batxillerat with a good mark and can enter in genethic studies in the university. I want to study it because I think that's the science of the future. I want to modify children when they are cells to borrow important mistakes on their ADN (that can cause important illness for example) and improve their live quality in the future. Another way is solve genethic illness in adult people or do specific pills for every different person with the same illness.
A long-term dream I want to live in a farmhouse on the mountains with dogs and horses and where I can walk near nature and recolect mushrooms in autum and... of course where every winter fall a lot of snow. I love cold weather!!
I think that I fit in my dream and the studies that I want to do and I want to be useful for the society.
Yesterday I went to see Raul Black, an ilusionist and magician. He was acting in Navata and with a group of friends we went to see his show because some of them knows him. He isn't a stereotyped magician with beauty assistants and with a suit... no... his assistants are "vampires" and he wears leather and all black... that's because his artistic name is Raul Black. In more or less 2 hours we could see a lot of amazing tricks. In one he was tied into a curtain with a man who wears a blue jacket. In 10 seconds, hided into the curtain with this man with the eyes closed he appeared, still tied like after, with the jacket of this man... INSIDE THE TIES! It was amazing! In other ones we could see how he removed the head of one of the girls and a lot more.
If you can he still in Navata some days, go to see him. I recommend it to you.
This year I changed the subject of physics for the psychology. I wondered if stay with this subject at the start of the year. I like psychology and the teacher, but I like physics too. Finally I told myself that next year my dream is to study genethics and I have to get a very high note and with physics I can't get more than 7 and it will cost me a lot of time studying, that I can use to study another subjects and improve my notes. Of course in genethics you don't need physics.
Like I have said I'm interested in psychology and now, studying it, I know that I have made the best decision. I love the themes of the mind because I think that's very complex and mysterious. Now we are doing the psychoanalysis and it seems very interesting.
The second day in one scout group is the celebration called "festa del pas". In this celebration the members of the group welcome the new boys and girls, and the old group members say goodbye to their old branch (group).
The oldest (right now 12 years) built a "totem" with branchs and we put a lot of green ribbons on it. The boys and girls change the ribbon for a written desire for this year.
The oldest (Rangers) were still there at night, when they "suffered" our special welcome, a night scaring game. At 19.00h when everybody left the site, we started to pretend to be angry and concerned, and every hour more. In one moment all of the leaders went into a room and started to shout ones saying that we had to gone out and others and anothers saying no. The boys started to be scared. In one moment we says, shouting, that we haven't mobile phone right now, for questions of battery and 10 seconds after one of them enter running and swetting with a mobile phone and saying: "We have a mobile phone, we have a mobile phone!!!!!!!". Now I still wondering how we can't help laughing. When we finished the boys asked us, very serious, what was happening. We invented an story that the directors of the park had phoned us to get out of the site for no reason. No one seemed to know what was happening. Finally we manipulated the boys to stayed there. At the dinner they imagined hear some things, seeing another ones... they have a good imagination! At the end of the night we tied up one leader and did some other things more until one of the boys started to cry. At this moment we finished all the story and explained to them all the joke.
Some weeks ago, Clara, Maria, Sandra, Guillem, Manel and I went to Barcelona to a demonstration of the student's sindicate. We wanted to protest against the economic cuts of the government in education. Those cuts made that the number of students in one class rise to 40 boys and girls, some of our teachers couldn't stay in this highschool because the center had to say goodbye at 10 places. Centers installed a lot of computers, but the wi-fi conection can't work correctly.
Education is the future of our country. Maybe politicians have to think about having less wages and cut from other sides too, like roads or militar. It's time to think about everybody and not in our own individual life.
In the actual worldif you don't like any part of your body you can change it. With the publicity the girls, since they are young, learn that one of the most important things in the life (to be famous, rich...) is the beauty. Since girls are young (every year earlier) they wants to be perfect and in the most popular friends group. They don't mind about their future, only in the present. Society doesn't leave space to you to accept yourself, to have enought autoconfidence, to don't think about if your nose is big or not or if we have enought breast. The plastic society doesn't let us take our own personality. Maybe one day ew can be all like Barbies and Kens.
TRANSCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS The base of the british humour is the irony Irony is a situation in where is an incongruity or discordance that goes beyond the simple and evident intention of words or actions.
Usually of the british humour is refined and smooth, with a good use of the language. It isn't easy humour based on bad words, bad situations of others... British humour wants you to think about some questions.
A great insult can be hide behind a good ironic words.
THEMES In themes i'm going to explain the most representative themes of british humour.
Satire Satire is to not have respect to the authority, an organization... something represent over us.
Absurd A little bit difficult to explain. That uses the surrealism, something that doesn't seems real for the strange situation, dialogues...
Surreal and chaotic Similar with the absurd but the situation can be real, you can imagine it. That picture is a scene of “The young ones” a popular TV serie that has been emited in catalan with the name of “Els joves”. Smut and innuendo Make fun of the sexual acts, situations... all of us have a dirty mind and it's more easy.
Humour inherent in everyday life The name says all. Mr. Bean is a very good example. Is the life of a little bit strange. The humour hasn't to provide of the main character, can be inherent in the environment or other people.
Parodies Parodies make fun of british stereotypes. That picture is a moment of “Little britain” one of the most actual representative ones that uses a lot this theme.
Black humour The topics of the black humour are the ones that in the real life are very serious. Murders, funerals, horror... but all with a comedy back. I can't remember if it was in foth of ESO or the last year but we saw a film called “Death at a Funeral”... a funeral where nothing can succeed right... that's black humour.
Practical jokes The most representative programe here is Just for laughs. It pretends to film some actors making a joke to one innocent man or woman.
SELF EVALUATION I think that I'm very nervous in all of my oral presentations and it's a think that I have improved with the time. It's more evident when i have them in english because I knows less this and I haven't all the resources that I have in catalan or spanish. In english if my mind decides to forget something is more stressing for me find another word to say it. It's true that at the final I'm less nervous but I still shaking.
But, in the other hand, because I know it I prepare it better and all of memory. For me is better not read the guide because I put more nervous wanting the sentence and cutting the presentation, I don't like it.
Maybe my way to relax is having something in the hand and moving it all time. Maybe it seems ugly but one day one teacher says me that's a good way to concentrate and I can say that's true.
I'm satisfied with my oral presentation because I know that could be worse. I worked on it in home more that in other presentations.
Ever is something to improve, maybe watch more the peolpe or better corporal actitude, I wants to seem more secure but maybe I can work it with the other presentations we are going to do.
Humour is everyday in our lives: TV, radio, friends... but can we defend that is necessary for our lives? Maybe the world without humour will be more boring but we still be living.
Humour help us not care about the problems around us. If we aren't happy our life quality isn't in the floor, is in the underground! There are a lot of psicologists who are saying that them patients now wants to be happy with themselves. Now, people who are not ill or have big problems with their lives go to the psicologist because for the present society the felicity is very important: people who can made laught anothers have more possibilities to have an important site in one job because people like them.
But... I'm doing this writing and I don't like it, it isn't humour in this situation, and I'm still living! I can breath and speak with somebody. In conclusion, I think that humour is important because we have put importance on it.
Now, on Fridays I'm going to start play one role game called "Vampiro". It's about the today's world where exists a secret vampire society near the humans, but they don't know it. Like all role games you have to complete one or more missions in this imaginary world. I like this game in particular because you can play in Figueres and imagine all figueres sites! (You can walk near the Jardi theatre or go shopping. Well... you are a vampire and can't buy because you live at night).
I made my character and in the game I'm called Abygail. I'm blonde, very pale (you have to think that I'm dead!), thin and with a very big grey eyes. I have a rebel nature that probably made that sometimes don't follow the group laws but my character in front of people is conformist and I think that we probably don't have big problems with it. My race is "Gangrel" that made in you animal features, be very shy and have a special conection with the animals. If I have problems I can call animals from the zone who can help me. I can see perfectly in the dark too.
I'll play with three more members and the Master (who control the game).
Role games are often looked down upon but I think that are a good way to power the team work and the relationship with the members of the group... playing and having fun! And of course... rise a lot your creativity...
Since September '09 I think that I can see a little improvement in my english level. The relative pronouns helped me a lot to do writings because before I often repeat concepts. I agree with the idea that the blog is important because it make us write. Also I think that the work that comes with the blog has to be more valorated.. It's a lot of work!
I think that the activities that show better my english level are the readings and maybe the speakings. My problem with writings is that when I write I want to say more things that my english vocabulary knows.
The activities that I see more useful to improve my english level are the speakings. In the highschool we don't speak and is true that the grammar is very important but if you don't know how to say it well... it can't be useful. The activities that I don't think that are useful are the same of games in groups because at the end we are speaking catalan and doing nothing.
I like the activities like the discussions because we can speak with all the class and use english saying our opinion. I like when in a middle of a boring class somebody says "I think that..." or "In my opinion..."
But this year, in general, I have learnt many things useful. I like the class and the relaxed atmosphere that it release.
So... Good holidays for everybody!! See you in September!!
I agree with the idea thar musicians have an important role in changing society. In my opinion music has the power to give things to people. I think that the different music styles (and the things that they want to introduce in the society) are an important image of how people can make groups in the way of what they think. The lyrics of the songs are like a political demonstration. They have a "slogan" (an important concept) that the group wants to say to society. But, in my opinion, it only happens with a few styles. For example, pop music only wants to make money but punk or grunge don't mind about money, they want to say and show a way of think, what they think abou society, and they invite people to think like them... and they get it! In conclusion, music can change the world, because it can change what people think.
Dear Kieron, Thanks for your letter. Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while but I've been very bussy with my higschool work. The teachers have given me a lot of exams and homework these days. We'll soon have the Easter holidays and I hope that you come here to visit my town.
I think that you'll like it, here we have a lot of things to do. The Aiguamolls de l'Empordà are near my home and there we'll be able to see a lot of animals. If the sun shines we'll go to the beach. The weater is cold but heat invites you to enter inside. If you want we can hire a boat and go sailing. I think that you like the cultural visits nd here you can see the Castello cathedral, the Dalí museum (really amazing!) and if you haven't got enought we can walk to Sant Pere de Rodes. I promise you that you won't get bored!
I have to go now (yes, more work) but write soon and tell me if you like the idea to coming here these holidays.
Wednesday the 18th was the birthday of one friend. On the night of the 20th was the party. They went at 22.00 to dinner but I had a dinner with my boyfriend's family and I couldn't go. I arrived in Castello at 1.30am and they were in a bar. When I arrived I saw they a little bit strange. One boy was outside with only a T-shirt on and i was cold, and a girl who was with him picked up her shirt to give it to the boy... and she was only in bra! We went to Clara's house and there the floor was sticky... very sticky! Some were sleeping yet and others were smoking a shisha outside. We spoke a little but they were tired and we went to organize the sitting room, where 15 people had to sleep! We put a lot of sleeping bags, one bed-sofa, mats... and 20 minutes later... we could sleep! I still speaking with some friends who couldn't sleep and at 5.30am I went home... to get up at 10am!
Last friday I went to the 4th ESO Playback with some friends. There were some songs that I didn't like because they were very simple and in some the girls didn't know the lyrics! (well, or they were in very bad conditions...) But there were some very funny or worked songs. I can remember one of Eminem that the boys wore masks and danced like a robot that was awesome! Some funny ones are "Antes muerta que sencilla" where one boy appeared with one fluorescent tutu and one mix of songs of our childhood like "Cola-Cao", "Arale"... The last song was good for the colours and all of them were dancing at the same time. I think that they needed to be a bit more serious but I enjoyed this time because if I don't like the song I can laught about it.
THE GERALD'S GAME - STEPHEN KING This is a book that I read this summer. The author, Stephen King, is one of my favourite writers. I have read more than 15 books of his and I like them because they are very psycological. The stories aren't usual and he knows how to keep the tension ant the suspense. This is one of the books of Stephen King that I like the most. It's a big book (like 700 pages) where all the story is about one woman that because of an accident killed her husband when she was tied with handcuffs in a house that's in the middle of a desolated forest. She can't contact anybody, nobody knows where they are, she has her husband dead on the floor and some nights one strange man, the death, visits her. Can she escape? Can she survive? Read the book!
Suri was one female siamese cat that one day my father found hurt in the garden. We started to feed it until it recuperated. The cat still living in the garden. I called it Suri because when it walks its like one "SURIcata". Suri was very ver sweet, always wanted hugs and love. One day, some months after, we started to see a lot of cats in the garden, male cats. We had been looking for a home to Surim but noone wanted it.. and we were in risk of had little Suris! We contacted Pro-Cat and asked about castration. They told us that we could go to one vet in Empuriabrava that could do it for free, because it's not our cat, Suri is a street cat! After we went to the vet we recived the notice that one woman had adopted Suri! Now Suri lives with one family in Castello, I hope that she has a very good future in a sweet home!
Last weekend I went with the CAU to Bassegoda. We arrived at 10.30 am at the start of the mountain. We explained to the children what to do because they went in two separate gropus who went individually, without heads. The way is good but for the desviations they had one map and one compass. I and two more heads walked at the back incase one group had problems. Every 30 minutes the walkie-talkies were open 5 minutes. We arrived at the refuge four hours later and there we started activities like one "passapalabra". it only rained 20 minutes... when the children had to search for wood! Before the children went to bed the leaders started to speak and play and in one moment one said "What time is it?" (Because at 8 am we have to wake up). It was 4 am... but someone remembered that this night was the hour change... that really it was the 5 am!! At 8 am the children were playing and shouting (because they went sleep at midight, not 3 hours before!) and I woke up. We had breakfast and started walking. Then the leaders went with the children. We were late and took a lot of shortcuts. In 3 hours we were at the camping. That was the best thing that i have done with the CAU, I enjoyed a lot all the weekend and I learn a lot too.
I totally agree with teenage abortion laws that are now in Spain. I think that if one girl of my age is pregnant, for all the possible causes, to have a baby will destroy all her life, she can't study with normallity, she can't go out at night and a lot of things typical of this age, necessarys for good maduration and sociabilitzation of this girl. Now the parents can't control some parts of the life of their daughters and it's impossible that they know all of their daughters actions. Now is very easy for one girl to tell her parents that she is going to a friend's house but go with her boyfriend. Some politicians want to try to change young people minds and attitudes towards sexual relationships, by doing chatting sesions n highschools etc. but I think that now my generation have a concept of sexual relationships that can't be removed from our minds. The politicians have to accept that and help us with the abortion, put things like make reservatives cheaper and do chatting sesions.
I like piercings and tattoos. When I was younger I loved piercings a lot. If I could i would have wore piercings in the lips, on the tongue, in the ears and in the nose (and another sites maybe). But now, perhaps not all of these, only in the ears and in the nose. The tattoos are a different world. I like them but only with moderation. I hate how looks a boy with a lot of tattoos. In the future I'll have a tattoo of an atom on the back. I know many people who wear tattoos or piercings and one of them did it when he was 14. I tink that you have to be more mature to think about the consequences of it... a tattoo is a thing that you can not remove without problem, it's forever. I'm going to wait some years and then I'll decide if I can wear or not the tattoo.
Yesterday with one friend rented the film Death Note. It's a japanese film of a comic serie. The history is about one boy who find one note in the street with the inscription "Death Note". After, he discover that if he write inside the name of one person it dies. He starts to kill criminals. The police start to investigate but can't find who is, and one day arrive one detective of the FBI called L. A lot of population in Japan loves the "work" that Kira (the name that they put to this boy) is doing. The film is about the course of Kira to doesn't be discovered for L, and they are very inteligent. There are a creature, the shirigami, that lives with Kira and who only can see the persons who have one Death Note. I love this creature. I like the film so much because I read the comics and I love them, the history is creative and have action.
This December for "la Marató de TV3" the action theatre company Excalibur had one fire show in Figueres and I went to do some photos. This morning I was near Olot with Xiprers al Vent and one of the boys of Excalibur, who was there too, and me went to Figueras in the midday. I love fire and the show was very good. I enjoyed a lot because they let me stay in a very good position to do photos... and I did a lot! When the show finished they passed a bottle to put some money for the Marato causes. Really, they are very good doing their shows and I admire them for this. Now I put here some photos that I took. I hope you like it!
He's 22 years old and in studying computer studies. Physically he's tall with long dark curly hair. His eyes are brown and he has big ears and a big nose. He's light-skinned and walks with a relaxed attitude. He's calm but sometimes impulsive. He's sociable and always looks after you. He can make you smile easilly if he wants. He's normally lazy but if you want to do something he's the first one to get off the sofa. He's mentally strong and always can lift you up when you are sad or have some problems in your mind. He's a very important person for me.
The Secretary Castelló d'Empúries High School C/ Santa Clara 55 Castelló d'Empúries 17486
Dear Madam Lluisa Pintó,
I started ESO in 2006 and tw of my sisters studied here some time ago, so I can have an idea of how the things hace changed. When I started, people of batxillerat could go out of the center when a teacher wasn't in it. Now we can't. I think it's a waste of time for us and the guard teachers, who can do better things with their time too. That's, for me, the worse change. I can't understand the reason for this. I can't speak about the computer in 1st and 2nd ESO because I don't like it, but not for the internet problems of the school or other things that happen now, it's only that I that's no good for the students. Some things that I think that have to change are put mirrors in the bathrooms (at least in the girls ones) enhance the "aula taller" for more students and start more projects to decorate the school (like the murals) but extend it to the classrooms.
The first of February was my birthday and my boyfriend's present was a two hours night session in Magma, a balnearium. I went to Figueres to meet him and we went to Santa Coloma de Farners. I had never been in a balnearium and I like it. There was a warm water pool, a fresh pool and two exterior pools, on of these of warm water. I loved the warm exterior pool and we passed a lot of time looking the stars. We went to the saunas too. There were three different types. We first went to one that was at 60ºC nd without vapor. It was so strange because it was a very warm and dry atmosphere and in two minutes you were swearing! After we tried one that was dry too but at 50ºC and with light colour changes and menthol smell. Finally we went to the last one that was of vapor. I didn't like a lot the last one because with the vapor I felt a little bit dizzy.
My Christmas present of this year was a Snowboard. I bought it in December on the internet. I wasted a lot of time looking for it and wanting one that I liked and thar wasn't very expensive. Finally and after seeing a lot of boards and bindings I chose one Forum board amn one Flux bindings. The board is very beautiful and the bindings are very basic and black. I bought the boots before the board and the bindings in "La Roca Village" and I love it, they are very comfortable and beautiful. First I had a lot of problems to buy the board because the page of the shop didn't let me create a acount, but finally with Nuria's help we discovered the problem. When the board arrived I was very escited and now I'm very nervous, waiting for the first snow day of the year... this Saturday!
I practise snowboard and I love it. The 8th of December I went to Font Romeu and I snowboarded for the first time this season. We left Castello at 7am with some of my family, Maria's family and one friend. When we arrived at Font Romeu there was a lot of fogg!! We thought that the station was losed and we were very sad, but for our surprise it was open! We went to the town to rent the material and started the journey. The fg was very dense but you can ski or snwboard without problems. At the end of the day the fogg started to be denser but it was the hour to return to Castello and there wasn't any problem. There wasn't a lot of people and I loved it because you didn't have to do queues and the skii slopes were empty. We enjoyed the day a lot... but I need more!
The first Sunday of December I went to Mallol, a town next to Olot, to see one friend with Exclibur Teather Company, who does medieval fights. The Mallol town is very little, but all the town is up hill, and they do the show at the top... at the end I couldn't breathe! I went to Olot by bus and there my sister met me and took me to Mallol. There I had to find where they were and i had surprised my friend because he didn't know that I was there. They had three shows one of these very funny. At the lunch time I had a sandwich of half bagette of meat and I was very full and ne of the girls of Excalibur was ill and left me all her dinner... I ate it because it was very good but finally i couldn't move... At the end of the day they had to go to medieval dinner and I went home with my sister. It was a very good day and I enjoyed it a lot. I love go to the shows of Excalibur, but now I have to wait some months for the next...
In Castelló the mayor wants one "cau". The "caus" are like a summer school, every Saturdays two hours, but there, the children (between 6 and 17 years) are voluntary there, they are motivated and are there because they want to be, and this is a big difference between one "cau" and a summer school, where a lot of the children are there because of their parents. Some people of Castello wants this and went to Xiprers al Vent for our training, because the mind of the "heads" (the name of the monitors) is different, they want to put on the cildren the responsibility, the team work, the respect for others... and because the children are, the same, a lot of years going, it's possible. Well, another time to the first day. We, 8 boys and girls, went to the cau one hour after to speak with the cau's important heads. Finally i'm with the wolves, the children between 8 and 11 years, and I like it a lot. That afternoon we did a treasure hunt in Figueres, that was very funny, they had to find some envelopes where were a clue. The funniest was one that the chindren had to find two squid in the restauranrs, and they could do it! The afternoon was very funny and I'm waiting for the next time very anxiously.