In Febreuary I went to Roc de Frausa, the largest mountain in Alt Emporda.
We went to la Vajol at 9.00 am and left the car. We

started to walk on a forestal road until found a fontain. We drank and continued walking. At the middle of the way we visited the ruins of one castle (very little but with a fantastic view of the area). Two hours later we arrived to the Salines Refugee and visited an hermitage thats in a cave. We drank and started walking another time, after ate a lof of chocolate (sugar!!). Now the slope was bigger and it tired a lot our legs. One hour later we arrived at "Moixer", where RTVE has an antenna. Roc the Frausa was only 5 minutes from here. We lunch, a omelette and frankfurt sandwich, and relax. We had started walking 5 hours ago!! At the top of the mountain we found snow and had to walk some time on it. We decended by another way, very, very beautiful, but sometimes with 50 cm of leaves!
Eight hours later we arrived at the car. A fantastic day! And then... sleep at nine o'clock. For my surprise the next day I could walk.
It's a very beautiful and peaceful route and I recommend it to all people who likes nature and trekking.
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