C/ Mur 1
Castelló d'Empúries, Girona 17486
March 20, 2012
United Nations Environment Programe Comitee
United Nations Plaza
New York, 10017 USA
Dear United Nations Environment Programe Comitee,
I'm writing to share a concern about environment and nature protect.
Society is trying to instill people to be healthy, but ... humans can be healthy, but we still depend of a major structure, a patriarch, the environment.
People can stop dirtying their lungs with tobacco smoke, can drink mineral water, can cut down forests to have fields and can build houses with more modern heating and electricity for the winter.
However, we are polluting the air our breathe with more toxic pollutants than tobacco, we are dirtying the rivers where someday we will take the water that us drink, we are eliminating the habitat of thousands of animals and plants that produce the oxygen to breathe and we are spending resources making a dirty energy full of wastes.
We are blind and can't see that we are killing his own mother? When we will look back and see where we came from and who sustains us?
Elvira Fina
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