The news explains the general famine in Africa and the money that's necessary for help. The organitzations, nationals and internationals need money for projects. The hunger comes for the drought, the low technologies....
In Africa famine is a very important problem. Hunger is the more important cause of death in the world, including the "developed" countries. It's hard think about how here we waste food (supermarkets, restaurants...) and then see the people there, with nothing to eat, with the death for shadow.
With the "crisis" here in Spain people starts to haven't money for food. They have a home but can't pay the basic products, but, we aren't in the Africa situation, I think that you can't know what's happening unless you can see it.
What we can do? Not many things... send food, ONG's... little things. But, it's better to don't do nothing. I wish that the situation will improve in the future.